1.5- 8 años
Wheelchair for dolls
Wheelchair for dolls up to 38cm. It is made of FSC-certified wood, eco-friendly, and is environmentally respectful. It includes silent wheels, suitable for collective use.
Product name | Wheelchair for dolls |
Description | Wheelchair for dolls up to 38cm. It is made of FSC-certified wood, eco-friendly, and is environmentally respectful. It includes silent wheels, suitable for collective use. |
Recommended age | 1.5- 8 años |
Diameter | 0 |
Width (cm) | 23 |
Height (cm) | 24 |
Width in inches | 9 |
Height in inches | 9 |
Special Needs | Sí |
Miniland Teach&Play | No |
eMyBaby | No |
Multiple intelligences | Del Lenguaje, Emocional |
Featured intelligence | Social |
Collections | Emociones y Valores, Juego Simbólico |
Core Skills | Conciencia Social y Cultural, Contar Historias, Juego imaginativo y de rol |
grow&fun | No |
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