2-6 years

Set of 4 puzzles: Grandparents


Set of 4 puzzles featuring images of grandparents and diverse families, designed to promote diversity and empathy. This game also aids young children in their cognitive development, enhancing spatial reasoning and memory skills. Additionally, it fosters increased attention to detail and problem-solving abilities. When multiple children participate, it enhances cooperation and teamwork skills. These puzzles are washable and highly durable, suitable for collective use.

Made in Spain award

4 puzzles (25 pieces)

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Product nameSet of 4 puzzles: Grandparents

4 puzzles (25 pieces)


Set of 4 puzzles featuring images of grandparents and diverse families, designed to promote diversity and empathy. This game also aids young children in their cognitive development, enhancing spatial reasoning and memory skills. Additionally, it fosters increased attention to detail and problem-solving abilities. When multiple children participate, it enhances cooperation and teamwork skills. These puzzles are washable and highly durable, suitable for collective use.

Recommended age2-6 years
Width (cm)21
Height (cm)21
Width in inches10
Height in inches10
Special NeedsNo
Miniland Teach&PlayNo
AwardsMade in Spain award
Multiple intelligencesDel Lenguaje, Emocional, Social
Featured intelligenceVisual y Espacial
CollectionsEmociones y Valores, Multi Cultural
Core SkillsAutoconocimiento, Conciencia Social y Cultural, Habilidades motoras finas, Orientación espacial y Organiz
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