6 meses - 1 año

Feel to Learn: Leaf mirror


This sensory mirror with crunchy leaf-shaped edges will attract your little one's attention thanks to its contrasting colors, crunchy sound when touched and the mirror's reflection. Did you know that at around 6 months he starts to feel surprised and attracted by his own reflection in the mirror? He will even smile when he discovers himself and that is a developmental milestone in itself. In the following months, he will become aware of his self and that the little person he sees in the mirror is himself.

A perfect toy from day one! In addition, it is very easy to wash.

Learn more about Feel To Learn Collection at https://minilandgroup.com/en/feel-to-learn

- Leaf-shaped safety mirror for babies (from 6 months).

- Stimulates their senses of sight, hearing and touch thanks to its high-contrast colors and crunchy edges.

- Stimulates their cognitive development and adapts to their developmental milestones, accompanying them from the age of 6 months when they begin to be surprised by their reflection, until they recognize themselves in it.

- Easy to clean and disinfect. Machine washable, although it is recommended to protect the mirror when washing.

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Product nameFeel to Learn: Leaf mirror

- Leaf-shaped safety mirror for babies (from 6 months).

- Stimulates their senses of sight, hearing and touch thanks to its high-contrast colors and crunchy edges.

- Stimulates their cognitive development and adapts to their developmental milestones, accompanying them from the age of 6 months when they begin to be surprised by their reflection, until they recognize themselves in it.

- Easy to clean and disinfect. Machine washable, although it is recommended to protect the mirror when washing.


This sensory mirror with crunchy leaf-shaped edges will attract your little one's attention thanks to its contrasting colors, crunchy sound when touched and the mirror's reflection. Did you know that at around 6 months he starts to feel surprised and attracted by his own reflection in the mirror? He will even smile when he discovers himself and that is a developmental milestone in itself. In the following months, he will become aware of his self and that the little person he sees in the mirror is himself.

A perfect toy from day one! In addition, it is very easy to wash.

Learn more about Feel To Learn Collection at https://minilandgroup.com/en/feel-to-learn

Recommended age6 meses - 1 año
Width (cm)18
Height (cm)21
Width in inches7
Height in inches8
Special Needs
Miniland Teach&PlayNo
Multiple intelligencesActiva y Corporal, Natural
Featured intelligenceEmocional
CollectionsAnatomía y Cuerpo Humano, Mente y Cuerpo
Core SkillsAutoconocimiento, Estimulación Sensorial, Juego Activo
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